Track: The Last Time I'll Sing The Blues
Album: Breaking our Way (Track 2)
Date Recorded: 20/09/05

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I remember the first time I laid eyes on you
I remember the first time I laid eyes on you
My heart was in my mouth
And I didn't know what to do.
Well I took you for a ride, out in my car
Yes I took you for a ride, out in my car
And I thought
Well maybe we could go far.

Well come on girl, pack your things and we'll go
Yes come on girl, pack your things and we'll go
Cause we've got all day
And we've got an empty road.

I'm complete now that I've got you
I'm complete now that I've got you
And this it the last time
I will sing to blues.

I'm complete now that I've got you...

Nice and simple - twelve bar blues in A. I recorded it in about 10 minutes. The rhythmn guitar with the vocals in one track and then the lead guitar in another track.

It's nice in that it gives another musical style to the album.
